SOLGAN'S SALVATION INTRODUCTION Tension between your village, Tamol, and the neighbouring one, Luarn, has been steadily mounting. Hostilities have been exchanged, and it is feared that all out war will go sool follow. In an attempt to stop such a battle the two Chiefs agreed to send their eldest sons as ambassadors of trust and goodwill. Although the Chief of Luarn's son arrived at Tamol, the reverse did not apply. For some reason, your Chief's son, named Solgan, did not make it to Luarn. Luarn's chief was outraged. He took it as a personal insult and an indication that Tamol wanted war. Your Chief was, naturally, very worried, both for his son Solgan, and for the two villages. He offered a reward: a large portion of fertile land just south of Tamol, for the safe return of his son. Of course, you volunteered - realising the value of this land. You have successfully tracked Solgan to a pass in the mountains separating Luarn and Tamol when the adventure begins... PLAYING THE GAME Your goal in "Solgan's Salvation" is to rescue Solgan, and escapĂȘ. This is not as easy as it sounds, especially escaping, which is in fact the major part of the adventure. As you explore the dungeon (which has two levels), you often have to fight creatures, either to get past them or to gain treasure. This is done through a fully randomised fight routine, where you use swords and daggers to (hopefully) defeat your opponents. Solgan, if you have him with you, will fight also. In order to fight, either type or (for example) and ansert the "WITH WHAT" prompt appropriately. Alternatively, you can type to fight with a sword, or to fight with a dagger. These last two save a considerable amount of time during battles. You also have a Strength Score, which starts at 25. Every time you are wounded in a fight, this score goes down. If it reaches zerom you will die. If it is getting low, you can REST. For every 10 minutes that you rest, 1 point will be added to your strength, which cannot go above 25. But there is a catch: there is also a chance that Thieves will steal something you are carrying as you rest. (HINT: You man want to search for it...) This same system applies to Solgan, so you'll have to take him into account when you consider resting. Directions can be entered as one letter (N,S,E,W) and other commands (in a verb-noun format) can be abbreviated to the first four letters of each word. A total of 5600 Gold Pieces (the local unit of currency) and 11000 Gold Pieces worth of assorted treasures exist within the dungeon. You are told how much you've obtained when (if) you finish. This allows repeated playing of the game, to try to get all of the treasure. You can find out your current strength score through INVENTORY (can be abbreviated to INV). You may also SAVE your Position in the game to Tape or Disk. Lastly, you can type HELP for a list of verbs. To vhange the length of time that messages are displayed on the screen, adjust the delay in line 290 accordingly. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: A 32K Tape or Disk based system is required, and a (Tape) or (POKE25,14:NEW) (Disk) must be entered before loading. If your coco will not accept the high speed poke (POKE 65495) then delete if from lines 2, 272, 280, 289, and 293.